Voting results
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Polska / mazowieckie / sochaczewski / Iłów, gm.
ZIĘTEK Bogusław Zbigniew
Number of valid votes: 2300
Number of votes per candidate: 2
% of votes per candidate: 0.09
of data0.10%0.13%0.16%0.19%0.22%0.25%0.28%0.31%0.34%0.38% 

See also:
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No. Name No. of people
entitled to vote
No. of ballot
papers issued
No. of votes No. of votes: per candidate / valid [%]
total valid per candidate
1Szkoła Podstawowa, Brzozów Stary 67, Brzozów Stary135360160160010.17
2Szkoła Podstawowa, Kaptury 5, Kaptury80433133132810.30
3Gminny Ośrodek Kultury, ul. Płocka 8, Iłów228611271127112600.00
4Szkoła Podstawowa, Giżyce 10 A, Giżyce56325025024600.00
  Iłów, gm. 5006 2309 2309 2300 2 0.09