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Comparsion of voting results per candidates |
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Polska / mazowieckie / siedlecki / Siedlce, gm. |
Siedlce, gm. |
Statistics on 04.07.2010 |
Population: |
16556 |
Area: |
141.54 km2 |
Population density: |
116 os/km2 |
Summary voting results |
Number of people entitled to vote: |
12696 |
Number of ballot papers issued: |
7341 |
Total votes: |
7340 |
Number of valid votes: |
7274 |
lack |
50.00% |
>50.00% |
≥53.65% |
≥57.30% |
≥60.95% |
≥64.60% |
≥68.25% |
≥71.90% |
≥75.55% |
≥79.20% |
≥82.85% |
of data |
50.00% |
>50.00% |
≥53.65% |
≥57.30% |
≥60.95% |
≥64.60% |
≥68.25% |
≥71.90% |
≥75.55% |
≥79.20% |
≥82.85% |
See also:
Detailed voting results per candidates:
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Comparsion of voting results per candidates |
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No. |
Name |
No. of valid votes |
KACZYŃSKI Jarosław Aleksander |
No. of votes: per candidate / valid [%] |
KOMOROWSKI Bronisław Maria |
votes per candidate |
votes per candidate |
number |
% |
% |
number |
1 |
Zespół Oświatowy w Pruszynie, Pruszyn 29, Pruszyn |
550 |
359 |
65.27 |
34.73 |
191 |
2 |
Zespół Oświatowy w Stoku Lackim, Siedlecka 135, Stok Lacki |
1080 |
721 |
66.76 |
33.24 |
359 |
3 |
Zespół Oświatowo-Wychowawczy w Białkach, Białki 95, Białki |
1086 |
774 |
71.27 |
28.73 |
312 |
4 |
Zespół Oświatowy w Żelkowie-Kolonii, Siedlecka 202, Żelków-Kolonia |
1102 |
766 |
69.51 |
30.49 |
336 |
5 |
Zespół Oświatowy w Nowych Iganiach, Siedlecka 113, Nowe Iganie |
1075 |
718 |
66.79 |
33.21 |
357 |
6 |
Zespół Oświatowo-Wychowawczy w Strzale, Sokołowska 1, Chodów |
1172 |
813 |
69.37 |
30.63 |
359 |
7 |
Świetlica w Żaboklikach, Żabokliki 74A, Żabokliki |
795 |
583 |
73.33 |
26.67 |
212 |
8 |
Świetlica w Nowym Opolu, Spacerowa 1, Nowe Opole |
414 |
268 |
64.73 |
35.27 |
146 |
Σ |
Siedlce, gm. |
7274 |
5002 |
68.77 |
31.23 |
2272 |