. . Number of people who has voted until 17:00 . .
. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Polska / wielkopolskie / słupecki
Statistics on 04.07.2010
Population: 59960
Area: 837.91 km2
Population density: 71 os/km2
Election Statistic
Number of polling wards: 38
Number of polling wards which transmitted the results: 38
Number of people entitled to vote: 47838
Number of ballot papers issued: 17712
of data28.45%31.06%33.67%36.28%38.89%41.50%44.11%46.72%49.33%51.95% 

See also:
. . Number of people entitled to vote, Number of ballot papers issued . .
. .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
No. Name No. of polling No. of people
entitled to vote
No. of
ballot papers
No. of: ballot papers issued / entitled to vote [%]
wards wards which
transmitted the results
302302Lądek, gm.334545117525.85
302303Orchowo, gm.443167123138.87
302304Ostrowite, gm.444324170139.34
302305Powidz, gm.222168112451.85
302306Słupca, gm.667150238933.41
302301Słupca, m.8811669485841.63
302307Strzałkowo, gm.667670291237.97
302308Zagórów, gm.557145232232.50
  słupecki 38 38 47838 17712 37.02
. . Turnout by location of ward electoral commission . .
. .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
No. Name No. of polling No. of people
entitled to vote
No. of
ballot papers
No. of: ballot papers issued / entitled to vote [%]
wards wards which
transmitted the results
1rural commune2525290241053236.29
2urban - rural commune557145232232.50
3urban commune8811669485841.63