. . Turnout in Presidential Election . .
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Polska / śląskie / cieszyński / Goleszów, gm.
Goleszów, gm.
Statistics on 04.07.2010
Population: 12465
Area: 65.89 km2
Population density: 189 os/km2
Summary voting results
Number of polling wards: 12
Number of polling wards which transmitted the results: 12
Number of people entitled to vote: 10141
Number of ballot papers issued: 6124
of data55.42%56.40%57.38%58.36%59.34%60.32%61.30%62.28%63.26%64.25% 

See also:
. . Number of people entitled to vote, Number of ballot papers issued . .
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No. Name No. of people
entitled to vote
No. of ballot
papers issued
No. of votes No. of: ballot papers issued / entitled to vote [%]
total valid
1 Gimnazjum, ul. Szkolna 2, Goleszów 1324 828 828 819 62.54
2 Dom Kultury, ul. Cieszyńska 25, Goleszów 1297 767 767 761 59.14
3 Dom Ludowy, ul. Osiedlowa 13, Goleszów 776 478 478 474 61.60
4 OSP, ul. Cieszyńska 17, Bażanowice 937 578 578 574 61.69
5 OSP, ul. dra Andrzeja Cinciały 35, Kozakowice Górne 544 338 338 336 62.13
6 OSP, ul. Główna 1, Kisielów 506 328 328 326 64.82
7 OSP, Godziszów 150, Godziszów 482 256 256 255 53.11
8 OSP, ul. Lipowa 2, Dzięgielów 1086 714 714 707 65.75
9 OSP, ul. Cieszyńska 98, Puńców 1258 679 679 669 53.97
10 Świetlica Gminna, Cisownica 79, Cisownica 1381 835 835 823 60.46
11 Świetlica Gminna, ul. Główna 54, Leszna Górna 446 253 253 244 56.73
12 Ewangelicki Dom Opieki "EMAUS", ul. ks.Karola Kulisza 47, Dzięgielów 104 70 70 69 67.31
=   10141  6124  6124  6057  60.39