. . Turnout in Presidential Election . .
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Polska / małopolskie / tarnowski / Ciężkowice, gm.
Ciężkowice, gm.
Statistics on 04.07.2010
Population: 11303
Area: 103.22 km2
Population density: 109 os/km2
Summary voting results
Number of polling wards: 5
Number of polling wards which transmitted the results: 5
Number of people entitled to vote: 8741
Number of ballot papers issued: 4597
of data48.78%50.05%51.32%52.59%53.86%55.13%56.40%57.67%58.94%60.22% 

See also:
. . Number of people entitled to vote, Number of ballot papers issued . .
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No. Name No. of people
entitled to vote
No. of ballot
papers issued
No. of votes No. of: ballot papers issued / entitled to vote [%]
total valid
1 Centrum Kultury i Promocji Gminy Ciężkowice, ul.Rynek 1, Ciężkowice 2139 1115 1115 1106 52.13
2 Zespół Szkół Publicznych, Bruśnik 42 1548 771 771 762 49.81
3 Urząd Gminy, ul.Tysiąclecia 19, Ciężkowice 2004 1186 1186 1171 59.18
4 Zespół Szkół Publicznych, Jastrzębia 1 1764 933 933 921 52.89
5 Zespół Szkół Publicznych, Zborowice 5A 1286 592 592 590 46.03
=   8741  4597  4597  4550  52.59