Voting results
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Polska / lubuskie / słubicki / Cybinka, gm.
KACZYŃSKI Jarosław Aleksander
Number of valid votes: 2276
Number of votes per candidate: 672
% of votes per candidate: 29.53
of data22.41%23.21%24.01%24.81%25.61%26.41%27.21%28.01%28.81%29.62% 

See also:
. . Voting results for candidate . .
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No. Name No. of people
entitled to vote
No. of ballot
papers issued
No. of votes No. of votes: per candidate / valid [%]
total valid per candidate
1Miejsko-Gminny Ośrodek Kultury w Cybince (Sala Kina), ul. Słubicka 30, Cybinka223811401139112933229.41
2Miejsko-Gminny Ośrodek Kultury w Cybince, ul. Słubicka 28, Cybinka202771871871524734.55
3Remiza OSP Urad, ul. Odrzańska 11, Urad4682212212135324.88
4Szkoła Podstawowa w Rąpicach, ul. Młyńska 1, Rąpice6282282282194018.26
  Cybinka, gm. 5361 2307 2306 2276 672 29.53