Voting results
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Polska / mazowieckie / sochaczewski / Rybno, gm.
KOMOROWSKI Bronisław Maria
Number of valid votes: 1184
Number of votes per candidate: 153
% of votes per candidate: 12.92
of data15.46%18.02%20.58%23.14%25.70%28.26%30.82%33.38%35.94%38.51% 

See also:
. . Voting results for candidate . .
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No. Name No. of people
entitled to vote
No. of ballot
papers issued
No. of votes No. of votes: per candidate / valid [%]
total valid per candidate
1Strażnica OSP, Jasieniec 32, Jasieniec8713793793754612.27
2Zespół Szkół w Rybnie, ul.Długa 11, Rybno14426596596528513.04
3Strażnica OSP, Wężyki 29, Wężyki4161581581572214.01
  Rybno, gm. 2729 1196 1196 1184 153 12.92