. . Number of people who has voted until 17:00 . .
. .
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Polska / warmińsko-mazurskie / węgorzewski
Statistics on 20.06.2010
Population: 24178
Area: 693.43 km2
Population density: 34 os/km2
Election Statistic
Number of polling wards: 20
Number of polling wards which transmitted the results: 20
Number of people entitled to vote: 19748
Number of ballot papers issued: 7187
of data30.73%31.55%32.37%33.19%34.01%34.83%35.65%36.47%37.29%38.12% 

See also:
. . Number of people entitled to vote, Number of ballot papers issued . .
. .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
No. Name No. of polling No. of people
entitled to vote
No. of
ballot papers
No. of: ballot papers issued / entitled to vote [%]
wards wards which
transmitted the results
281901Budry, gm.44251775329.92
281902Pozezdrze, gm.33285695733.51
281903Węgorzewo, gm.131314375547738.10
  węgorzewski 20 20 19748 7187 36.39
. . Turnout by location of ward electoral commission . .
. .
. . . . . . . . . . . .
No. Name No. of polling No. of people
entitled to vote
No. of
ballot papers
No. of: ballot papers issued / entitled to vote [%]
wards wards which
transmitted the results
1rural commune775373171031.83
2urban - rural commune131314375547738.10