Voting results
. . Comparsion of voting results per candidates . .
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Polska / łódzkie / łęczycki / Piątek, gm.
Piątek, gm.
Statistics on 04.07.2010
Population: 6427
Area: 133.47 km2
Population density: 48 os/km2
Summary voting results
Number of people entitled to vote: 5205
Number of ballot papers issued: 2632
Total votes: 2632
Number of valid votes: 2606
lack 50.00% >50.00% ≥53.01% ≥56.02% ≥59.03% ≥62.04% ≥65.05% ≥68.06% ≥71.07% ≥74.08% ≥77.09%
of data 50.00% >50.00% ≥53.01% ≥56.02% ≥59.03% ≥62.04% ≥65.05% ≥68.06% ≥71.07% ≥74.08% ≥77.09%

See also:
Detailed voting results per candidates:
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KACZYŃSKI Jarosław Aleksander
KOMOROWSKI Bronisław Maria

. . Comparsion of voting results per candidates . .
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No. Name No. of
valid votes
KACZYŃSKI Jarosław Aleksander No. of votes:
per candidate / valid
KOMOROWSKI Bronisław Maria
votes per candidate votes per candidate
number % % number
1 Zespół Szkół, ul. Kutnowska 19, Piątek 955 569 59.58
40.42 386
2 Szkoła Podstawowa, ul. Szkolna 1, Piątek 710 559 78.73
21.27 151
3 Szkoła Podstawowa, Czerników 11, Czerników 443 393 88.71
11.29 50
4 Remiza Ochotniczej Straży Pożarnej, Goślub 15, Goślub 342 294 85.96
14.04 48
5 Remiza Ochotniczej Straży Pożarnej, Janków 2, Janków 156 139 89.10
10.90 17
Σ Piątek, gm. 2606 1954 74.98
25.02 652